How To Become A Better Entrepreneur Using A Business Planner

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Living a life as an entrepreneur can be exciting, scary and lonely — sometimes all at once. It's challenging to stay motivated and on track, especially if you're making decisions on your own or don't have much business experience. That's why many entrepreneurs turn to planning in order to set goals, establish strategies and create a vision for the future.

That's right, I said it —Being an entrepreneur is hard. At least the first few times, but that's a topic for another blog post. The fact is, like most things in life, dedication and perseverance will see you through to the finish line. Now, of course we're all running our own race here. No one else knows what we're doing every day or how many hours we're putting in. But sometimes I think that it would be nice to get some kind of acknowledgement from peers who are going through the same thing. And that's where the business planner comes into play.

So why use a business planner at all? Using a business planner forces you to look at the bigger picture of your goals, responsibilities, and time lines. You can't just look at the here and now when using a planner — you have to look at the long term.

The Business Planner by Khloe George Designs allows you to track your business goals, quarterly and yearly reviews, plan out your entire marketing plan from your newsletters to social media & everything in between. You can even store your business receipts for safe keeping when tax time comes around - cause believe me, it is not FUN! It includes a project & product planner for all you shop owners. Get super specific about your ideal client and who you are selling to and even a mind map for any of your ideas and more. Watch the video below to see a flip through.



Stay positive & Dream Big,




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