The Power of A Morning Routine

Most effective and efficient people are the ones who have a morning routine
— Unknown

My Schedule:

6:00-6:10am - lay still & reflect

6:10-6:45am - workout or morning walk

6:45am - wash the stinkies away

6:45-7:00am: morning pages

7:00 :7:45am: work on one business to do while I eat breakfast

7:45am: make breakfast for the boy

8am - plan my day

8:10am - inspirational Morning Meeting

9:00am: listen to affirmations

I know you've heard it before and I'm here to tell it to you one more time - your morning routine is an integral part of your success. There I said it.. It's a powerful thing. I kid you not. It's no wonder that there's a whole website dedicated to them. Let's delve into mine for just a tad....

Your morning routine will look different than mine and it will serve to function for your lifestyle just as mine reflects the things I would like to accomplish. 

I first reflect on how I want the day to look. I literally sit there and envision every client that will be walking through the door, the assignments I would handle that day and I get some headspace using my headspace app.  I work out early in the morning because I find that at this time of morning, no one gets in the way. The house is pretty still and there’s nothing going on but my workout. Before making breakfast for myself, I work on morning pages. Sometimes, I don’t feel like doing them but when I do, it really does help set the tone of the day.

I make breakfast and then hop on over to my computer to start working on my ONE business thing. I add that to my google calendar and work uninterrupted until 7:45am which is when my son wakes up. I make him his breakfast and then I get ready to log on for work. From 8am until about 8:10, I plan my day before I have to log into our morning meeting.

I end the morning with my affirmations and pick out one thing that stuck out at me from it and add it to my digital planner.

On my quest for the purpose of a morning routing, here’s what I’ve gathered:

"How you start your day determines how you spend your day." A morning routine sets the tone for your day.

  • Positivity & Productivity. Start your day with intention; Intending to learn something, intending to work on your business, intending to be productive. When you're not intentional, your day will be unintentional 

  • Quiet time and most productive time.

  • Most effective and efficient people are the ones who have a morning routine.

  • Morning routines kick start the habits that dictate our health, wealth and mental well-being. Every wise sage understands the power of quiet time in the morning and warns of the folly of trying to succeed late at night. If you want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise, make time in the morning for what matters.

  • Your habits determine your future; make them good habits.

Tips to creating your morning routine

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier every couple of days until you’ve reached your desired time. This ensures that you don’t shock the body from waking up at 7am to 5am. Gradual change always works.

  • Plan your outfits the day before or take a minimalist approach to your wardrobe. By having the same basics colors or even uniform, you’re able to make one less decision in the morning by not letting decision fatigue get to you.

  • Do the most important task early in the morning. The key is to feel accomplished and by completing the hardest and most important task, you will have started out your day on the right foot. That feeling of accomplishment will last you the entire day.

  • Do three business things and three personal things every morning, ideally. If you can't do three, then aim for 1 of each.

  • Lastly, do something that makes you entirely happy; whatever that looks like for you.

Stay positive & Dream Big,




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Welcome to my piece of the internet where I talk all things productivity so you can work to live and not live to work.



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